Acupuncture for Unexplained Infertility

Can acupuncture help unexplained infertility? The answer is yes, it can help.

Let’s look at what it means to have a diagnosis of unexplained infertility. It simply means that your medical doctors don’t have a definite answer as to why you can’t get pregnant. You have been through all the tests and everything is fine, you just simply can’t seem to get pregnant.

Those of us in the field of Chinese Medicine and acupuncture look at you differently. While we may consider your laboratory test results, we also look at all of your systems to identify underlying imbalances as a cause of infertility. We ask questions about your digestive health, about how you sleep at night, how much stress do you feel and how do you deal with it? Other questions may include what your diet is like, if you catch cold a lot, if you have pain, if you have cold hands and feet. All of these questions are posed to see where there are imbalances that need to be corrected. Acupuncture is
the perfect medicine to return your body to balance and correct those underlying imbalances that may be causing your inability to get pregnant.

We look at the body as a whole. When one part is out of alignment it affects all of the other parts. When there is a symptom like unexplained infertility that means some part is out of alignment. If you have a lot of stress, low back pain and tend to have cold hands and feet, we may give you a diagnosis of Liver qi stagnation with underlying Kidney Yang deficiency.

There are many possible Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM) diagnosis that are causing your undiagnosed infertility. Once we know the cause, we can start treatment to correct it.

If you would like to know the TCM diagnosis  for your unexplained infertility, I can be reached at 310-367-1564.