How to Get Pregnant Fast

For most people, once they decide it’s time to get pregnant they want it to happen fast; like today. Maybe after years of trying to avoid pregnancy and maybe years on birth control pills, it’s finally that time and you want to get pregnant quickly. What do you need to know to make it happen as fast as possible?

There are many things to consider. Ask yourself these questions.

How long was I on birth control pill?
How is my overall health?
How healthy is my diet?
Do I smoke?
Do I consume a lot of caffeine?
Do I drink alcohol?
Am I over or under weight?
Is my partner healthy?
Do I know if I ovulate regularly or at all?
Do I know when my most fertile time of month is?
What is my age?
Do I have regular periods?
Are my periods pain and trouble free?
How much stress do I feel?

These are only a few of the areas to consider in your overall fertility picture. The answers to these questions will determine how fast you get pregnant.

Lets consider some of these areas.

Factors to consider to get pregnant fast.

Birth Control Pills and Fertility

If you have been on birth control pills for years you have been telling your body not to ovulate in order to avoid pregnancy. Now you are giving your body the go ahead to start the process that you have put a big stop sign in front of for some time. For some people this is not a problem. They start ovulating right away. But for lots of women it can take their body a bit of time to wake up the process. Your hormones work in a delicate balance that needs to be working at its optimum to facilitate the dance that creates a perfect ovulation that results in a fertilized egg. Birth control pills are very successful at interrupting that balance. To get pregnant fast we need to reestablish that dance of hormones to optimize your chances of pregnancy.

Diet and Lifestyle Factors for Fertility

Have you been eating a healthy diet over the years? If you think you are healthy but haven’t considered what you have been eating it’s time to start now. Having the right nutrients is absolutely critical in your ability to get pregnant quickly. Too much trans fat, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, refined carbs and junk food will interfere with a successful pregnancy. In addition to smoking these dietary factors have proven to interfere with conception. Start to include healthy fats, lots of vegetables, beans, lean meats and whole grains.

Having a healthy weight is a contributor to a successful an quick pregnancy. If you are overweight even losing a few pounds can help you get pregnant. Likewise, if you are underweight, gaining a few can also help.

Much emphasis over the years has been placed on women’s health to get pregnant, but more recently of equal concern is the health of the man and the health of his sperm. We are even coming to realize the age of the man is as important as the age of the women in a healthy and successful pregnancy. How healthy is your male partner? You should consider his diet and lifestyle habits just as you would your own. Does he smoke, drink or eat poorly?

Ovulation for conception

Do you know if you are ovulating? If you are testing with an ovulation predictor kit and it shows that you are ovulating do you know how to time intercourse properly to get pregnant. Once you have ovulated you have a 12-24 hour window while the egg is viable for fertilization. The best time to try is 1-2 days before ovulation since sperm can last in the hospitable environment of your uterus and fallopian tubes for a few days while waiting for the egg to arrive. Of course ovulation day is ideal, but be careful not to miss your window of opportunity. It helps to be able to anticipate when ovulation will occur. It’s wise to track your ovulation for a few months to see when you usually ovulate. That way you can successfully calculate your best fertile days of the month. Keeping a basal body temperature chart is a good way to do this. You may find lots of information online on how to do this.

Age counts in fertility

Unfortunately it is true that fertility declines the older we get for both men and women. While men produce new sperm all the time, women are born with all the eggs we will ever produce. That means that over time our supply starts to dwindle and we eventually run out of enough to cause ovulation to occur. Often the older eggs are not as healthy as they once were and fail to fertilize or result in miscarriage. However, doing everything you can to be as healthy as you can is vital in maximizing the health of the eggs you have left. Herbs and supplements can be very helpful in this case as well. Working with a knowledgeable specialist in fertility can help you choose the right supplements for your unique condition will help you have the best outcome.

Menstrual health and fertility

If you have difficult or irregular menstrual periods it means that something is out of balance and can make getting pregnant quickly more difficult. It is important that you deal with this and correct it to not only get pregnant, but have a better pregnancy overall. Work with a practitioner who is knowledgeable in correcting this imbalance before trying to get pregnant and you will be assured of more success.

Stress affects fertility

You are probably aware of how stress impacts many areas of you life, like sleep, attitude, mood and relationships. But it has also been shown to affect your fertility as well by altering your balance of hormones, and your ovulation. You may have seen that stress can delay your period. This is likely because it has interfered with ovulation. It can also lower your fertility hormones making pregnancy more difficult to attain. There are many ways of dealing with stress such as moderate exercise, yoga, meditation, deep breathing, acupuncture and having a good friend or therapist to talk to. It is important to manage your stress whatever way you choose to do it.

To get pregnant fast consider everything we have discussed. Making some small adjustments in some of these areas can increase your chances of success, but also consider the  areas where you need to make the most adjustments to boost your fertility.