Acupuncture and Stress Relief

Most of us at some time or another have experienced adrenal fatigue from an overload of stress. Maybe it was when you were in college and were staying  up all night to study for finals. Maybe it is now because you have two or more young children that you are caring for and maybe you are working a 40+ hour work week in addition. Maybe you are simply working too hard at your job and under constant pressure from your boss. The reasons are many but the results are all the same.

What happens when we are stressed?

Stress signals our body to produce hormones that will get us into action. You have heard of the fight or flight response? This is what your body is preparing for. Our adrenal glands produce a variety of hormones, two of them you are probably familiar with. One is epinephrine, also known as adrenalin the other is cortisol. The effects of adrenalin are to increase heart rate, elevate blood pressure and decrease digestive function.

Cortisol, which is a steroid, floods the body with fuel (glucose). The body signals the adrenal glands to keep producing cortisol until the stress is gone. Over time this can create blood sugar imbalances among other things. All of these effects are produced so we have the energy to run or respond to whatever is causing the stress. In small doses and for the short term these hormones do good things. However, when the adrenals are force to persistently produce these hormones they become fatigued and detrimental effects result.

The signs of adrenal fatigue can show up as:

  • Insomnia
  • Digestive trouble
  • Compromised immune system, getting sick a lot
  • Fatigue even after consuming caffeine
  • Irritability
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Weight gain, especially through the mid section
  • Hypertension

I’ve only mentioned just a few of the things that can happen as a result of over taxing the adrenals. It is true that chronic stress can cause weight gain, it can contribute to elevating your bad cholesterol (LDL and VLDL), it can cause you to catch every cold that comes down the pike and just simply make you feel pretty miserable.

However, there is a solution. Acupuncture is one. It is proven to alleviate stress and counter many of the ill effects of adrenal fatigue like hypertension, insomnia, digestive trouble, neck and shoulder pain and more.

In addition, adaptogenic herbs are very useful in combating chronic stress and its effects. These include many herbs like ginseng, astragalus, goji berries, rhodiola and others. Taking an herbal formula of adaptogenic herbs daily can help return your body to homeostasis or balance and get you feeling better before you know it.

Of course stress control methods like yoga, meditation, qi gong or moderate exercise are all good ways to alleviate stress. Whatever you choose to do don’t wait to do it. While the signs listed above can be troublesome, long term adrenal fatigue and stress can lead to unfortunate health compromises like heart disease.

If you would like to know more about how an herbal formula or acupuncture may benefit you please call for a free 15 minute consultation.