How to Get Pregnant Quickly

I want to get pregnant quickly.

I have heard women say this often enough. But how to do it?

One of the best ways to get pregnant quickly is to know when you are ovulating. You can do this either with an ovulation predictor kit or with a basal body temperature chart (BBT chart) or both. Timing your love making is of the utmost importance in achieving pregnancy

The kits are good at predicting ovulation 24-36 hours before it happens. The BBT charts are good at telling you about when in your cycle you usually ovulate, but they can’t predict it. The BBT chart is useful in that it shows the temperature rise after ovulation indicating that it has indeed occurred. The BBT charts are also useful in letting you know the health of your cycle and hormonal balance. They can also be good at telling you that you may be pregnant as your temperature stays elevated past your usual menstrual cycle.

What else can you do to get pregnant fast?

Make some positive changes in your diet. Stop drinking coffee and eating sugar.
Coffee and sugar create inflammation in your body; not helpful for achieving pregnancy. Eat lots of vitamin and mineral rich dark green vegetables and red and blue berries. Eat black beans and whole grains. Any of these will improve your overall health and help you achieve pregnancy faster.

Eliminate stress and get lots of sleep to help keep your hormones in balance. Stress and insufficient sleep can adversely affect your hormones and make achieving pregnancy quickly very difficult.

The key is to achieve a healthy balance in your body, a natural homeostasis. One of the best and easiest ways to get your system back in balance, is with acupuncture and herbal formulas that are directed specifically at balancing your reproductive system and in helping you to get pregnant as quickly as possible. Sometimes it is merely just a matter of managing your stress with acupuncture and like many of my patients, you can achieve pregnancy on your very next try.