What is Premenopause and Will It Affect You?


Pre menopause, also usually known as perimenopause, is the time leading up to the end of your menstrual cycle, otherwise known as menopause.

It can start up to 10 years before menopause. Some women may get menopause like symptoms off and on throughout this period. Not all women may experience this, but some may have symptoms that range from mild to moderately annoying. Some may have symptoms that may feel extreme.

In my own experience, when I was 36 years old I suddenly started having hot flashes, night sweats and sleep disturbances. I thought, “this is too soon for menopause symptoms!!” I was fortunate enough to start on some herbs that got rid of the problem never to return.

Pre menopause symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats that are usually associated with menopause are not uncommon. Sleep disturbance and insomnia are also common. Anything that you might expect in menopause can also happen in pre menopause.

If you are anywhere from the mid to late 30’s to 50 or so and you are experiencing some new symptoms, you may just be experiencing perimenopause.

Some common symptoms:
hot flashes
night sweats
irregular cycles
heavy periods
extra long or short periods

What can you do if pre menopause has gotten you?

The answer is lots!

Supportive herbs that help reestablish your estrogen/progesterone balance are very important. During perimenopause progesterone levels decrease and many women unknowingly suffer from this imbalance. While estrogen may decrease slightly, it is progesterone that lowers more significantly, creating a situation of estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance may be the cause of your pre menopause symptoms but may also lead to other problems like fibroids, cysts and other reproductive problems.

Herbs that help reduce stress, help sleep and address other symptoms you may be having are also very important.

Acupuncture can help reestablish balance and eating certain foods can either help or hinder your situation.

If you are one of the women in the pre menopause category and you are experiencing lots of symptoms I can help get you back in balance with a simple consultation to go over your diet and suggest specific herbs to help you reduce and eliminate your symptoms.

This is definitely not something you just have to put up with and live with. Some simple adjustments and supplements may just be the answer.