Why Am I Not Pregnant Yet?


You’ve decided that now is the time in your life you want to get pregnant. You’ve waited until everything is right, you have the right partner, you have support, you are ready to be a mom for the first time, or maybe again. But something is wrong, you are doing everything you are supposed to and you aren’t pregnant yet.

So you go to an expert in fertility to get some answers. Perhaps you decide to check into fertility acupuncture to see if that will help.

When people come to me for help with fertility one of the first things they want to know is how long it will take. I usually tell them it depends on the person and the circumstance, but after 3 months or so we should have a good idea of where we stand. Why three months? It takes about three months for immature follicles to mature into the ones that will release an egg during ovulation. The health of your body and consequently your follicle three months prior, will indicate the health of the egg you produce three months later.

Think of it this way. A farmer will prepare the soil for planting to produce the healthiest crop. This is what we must do for those three months. We must create a healthy and fertile ground in which your body will produce a healthy egg that is ready and receptive for a sperm to fertilize; an egg that will produce a successful pregnancy and healthy baby.

However it is at the conclusion of the initial 3 months that the journey really begins. It is after regulating, normalizing and optimizing your menstrual cycles that the chance for a healthy pregnancy really begins.  For some complicated cases it may take much longer, as in cases of PCOS. If you are close to 40 it can also take much longer.

We are fortunate to live in a time where much of what ails us can be fixed very quickly with a pill. Have a headache, take an Advil and its gone. Unfortunately for the most part, our fertility isn’t like that. Sure, I have had the infrequent case of a woman getting pregnant within 30-60 days of receiving acupuncture and herbs from me. In most cases it takes far longer.

However, for those who are willing to stick it out and are diligent in following my recommendations; they have a high probability of success. This year alone I have had an 80% success rate in helping women achieve a successful pregnancy.

Of course getting pregnant is the first step, but having a healthy baby is the ultimate goal. Taking the necessary steps and preparing properly for pregnancy, building the best environment for the baby is the most important thing you can do.

If you would like to know more about my program for a healthy pregnancy I offer complementary 15 minute phone consults to answer all your questions.

I invite you to call 310-367-1564.

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