Chinese Medicine Helps in Postpartum Care

mom-and-newbornlWhy is Postpartum Care So Important to Your Health?

You’ve spent a lot of time caring for yourself during your pregnancy to ensure the health and development of your baby. Now your healthy baby is here, but how is your health doing?

It’s vital that you maintain your health in order to properly take care of your infant, to maintain enough milk to fulfill your infants needs and to be the best mom you can be.

However, most women don’t do this because of the demands of their new baby. How wise is this though in the long run?

During pregnancy you have given your own body’s nutrients to your growing and developing fetus. You have provided your essence to feed and nurture your baby while it is inside your uterus. The growing baby basically takes some of your own vital essence in order to develop.

During labor you also lose blood and vital fluids. The energy required to deliver your baby can also be depleting. It’s no wonder many new mother’s are exhausted (not to mention the sleepless nights) experience postpartum depression, frequent colds, achy hands and feet and more.

It truly is important to replenish what you have given to your baby in order to restore your own health and vitality.

This is a very important time for a new mother, one in which you can ensure your own future health and even become healthier than you have ever been before. But you have to take the time to care for yourself.

In Chinese Medicine we consider this a very special time have unique postpartum herbal formulas and treatments that not only replenish blood and essence but help ensure breast milk will be plentiful.

If you would like more information about postpartum care and treatments call 310-367-1564.