Happy New Year 2013

New Year 2013

What’s on tap for you in 2013?

Are you a resolution maker?

If you are what do you resolve to do this year? Or if you aren’t what do you see for yourself in the New Year?

Would you like to stop the sugar and sweets, eat more vegetables or exercise more?

If you have made some resolutions to improve your health how do you plan to keep them?

Do you make the same resolutions every year and by the end of January or February find you just can’t keep up the momentum?

Do you feel like you will never be able to make positive changes in your habits?

We all face this at one time or another. How do we make lasting change to improve our lives and health?

My thoughts on this are to take small steps that are manageable for you. Don’t try to make too many changes all at once. Pick one small thing you want to change to improve your health and once you have succeeded at that, then work to expand this.

For instance, if you want to eat more vegetables, try adding a vegetable to your lunch or dinner one or two days a week. Then expand on that by adding more days.

If you want to exercise more, try walking for 15 minutes when you get home from work, or on your lunch break one or two days a week. Once you have succeeded at that add more days or more time walking.

The only exception taking these small steps is if you want to stop eating sugar and sweets. Unfortunately this requires the cold turkey approach. You can’t do it incrementally. You have to stop period. Sugar is addictive and it will take you a while to overcome the desire to have it. If you would like help with this I recommend acupuncture to help stop the cravings. Acupuncture is well known to help with any types of addictive cravings and sugar is definitely one of those substances.

If you would like help in overcoming sugar cravings or help with making healthy changes for 2013, call to set up a wellness consultation to get you on the right track for lasting change. 310-367-1564


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