Fertility and The Mind

How big a role do your thoughts have on your fertility?

Happy Thoughts

Today’s blog will begin a series on the mind-body connection to fertility and your ability to get pregnant.

Your ability to get pregnant depends on many things, your age, your physical health, your hormone balance, your level of stress and yes often times your outlook. How does that work? Can your thoughts actually affect whether or not you can get pregnant?

Let’s consider this topic on the simplest of levels. Most of us know that stress can affect our health. It can affect our blood pressure, our blood sugar, our hormone balance, our digestion and many other bodily functions. Do your thoughts create stress in your body? If your thoughts cause you to worry, feel anxious or keep you up at night then they are definitely affecting your health and your body.

Do you have a worry habit? Then yes, that can affect you by creating stress in your body.

Thinking happy thoughts, laughing and being silly can release endorphins into your system creating a feeling of well being and relieving stress.

Can your thoughts affect your body, well i would say yes.

If you catch yourself in a spiral of negative thinking or worry, try to find your inner 3 year old and do something silly. Make faces at yourself in the mirror, watch a silly movie, tell a joke, anything to shift your mind into its endorphin releasing opposite.

Next time I will dive deeper into this topic. In the meantime, if these tactics don’t work for you there is always acupuncture to help you release some nice healing endorphins.

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